Pipe roller systems allow installers to build or repair a pipe of practically any size and do so with ease. Steel pipe support systems can be either single or double design and are used to support medium to large size pipes and offer support for pipe systems after they are installed. Pipe rollers allow heavy pipes to be rolled in place for the best accessibility and efficiency.
Standard pipe roller systems
Standard pipe roller systems are available for gas lines, electrical conduit, chilled water lines, condensate lines, ductwork as well as Air Conditioning equipment stands. Hanging Pipe Supports are available when height adjustment or pipe suspension is needed.
Trenchless pipe roller systems and roller systems
Trenchless pipe roller systems and roller systems and roller systems are manufactured from hardened Polyurethane to perform in harsh environments. They are a simple cost-effective solution for handling pipe which is low profile and can be adjustable. The Polyurethane hardness of these pipe rollers range from 50A to 75D and pipe supports and cradles come in stackable, tunnelling and V-roller designs.
Stackable pipe roller systems
Stackable Pipe Roller Systems feature a simple stackable design which reduces transportation costs to and from job sites. With lightweight base frames for easy positioning and handling, or heavy base frames for larger pipes to prevent roller frames from moving during pipe handling.
Pipe roller slings
Pipe roller slings (rollie cradles) are essential pipe roller systems accessory for steel, coated steel and plastic pipe handling applications., commonly used for are uses for pipeline staging and rigging. Pipe slings can be used for laying welded pipe into a trench, lifting pipe over rough surfaces during dragging and driving a pipe bend during launching. A pipe rolling spreader bar supports the pipe rolling slings as the pipe is laid.
Internal pipe rolling clamp
Internal pipe rolling clamp or steel ball pipe roller systems are suited for uncoated steel pipe, whereas nylon balls are suited to pipes with coatings or HDPE/PE pipes. Their special base frame design allows for the frame to be clamped to the top member of structural steel sections, using the fasteners supplied.
All Lifting supply a variety of pipe roller systems to provide you with exactly what you require for your application. Visit our website for more information.